Thursday 26 June 2014

Yoga in Brockwell Park

If the weather doesn't let us down, I'm inviting you all to a yoga session in Brockwell Park on Friday 27th June 14, 7pm. We are going to be between the playground and the tennis courts, near the ponds. Bring your own mat if you have one but I'll bring a few spare ones for those who don't. I am hoping we will be able to enjoy the outdoors. It is based on donation (you may or may not use your block booking if you want) and there is no pressure to pay anything if you can't afford. Hope to see you all there, that is if it doesn't rain.

Saturday 21 June 2014

Mindfulness on an off your yoga mat

Summer is in a full swing and for most of us that means more time outdoors, enjoying the weather and nature around us. It is a wonderful opportunity to notice the nature around us, rather than to take it for granted. Noticing a great abundance of colours, shapes and texture (flowers, grass, trees, insects, etc.) can be truly satisfying and can give you a real boost of energy. That might be your first step into mindfulness. In the same way we can approach other daily activities, simply re-discovering them for ourselves, noticing sensations they bring without forming any judgment or attachment. Another way in or on the way to mindfulness is through your yoga pratice - giving it your full attention, noticing your strengths and weaknesses without judgment, working within your limitations, trying to approach it with fresh enthusiasm, In return mindfulness will give you satisfaction, contentment, stronger commitment and peace of mind.